How to Make THC Capsules

Links to Products Used In the Video


  • 21g flower
  • 1g kief
  • 6 fl oz MCT oil
  • 1 fl oz avocado oil
  • 1 tsp sunflower lecithin
  • Size 00 capsules


Keep in mind the video above has detailed step by step visual instructions if you get stuck on any of these steps. Also, feel free to ask anything in the comments.

  1. Preheat oven to 240°.
  2. Break up flower.
  3. Decarboxylate flower and kief for 40 minutes at 240° in a shallow, wide pan or casserole.
  4. While decaboxylating, combine the MCT oil, avocado oil and lecithin. Stir until consistent.
  5. Once 40 minutes is up, pull out the flower/kief and immediately lower the oven to 175°.
  6. Combine the oil mixture and flower/kief mixture into a mason jar. Tighten the lid loosely to allow for gas exchange.
  7. (Optional) Fill a casserole with water to use as a water bath and place mason jar inside.
  8. If not doing the optional water bath in step 7 just place mason jar in the oven.
  9. Leave mason jar in the oven for 1.5 hrs at 175°.
  10. (Optional) After 1.5 hrs is up pull out mason jar and allow to sit in a cool dark place for another 24 hrs.
  11. If not doing the optional 24 hr waiting period in step 10, just allow mason to sit and cool to room temperature. If the oil mixture is too hot it can ruin the capsules you’ll be placing it in.
  12. Strain the oil mixture through a cheesecloth/strainer.
  13. Fill your capsules with the oil. This can be done with a dropper, syringe, etc.

And that’s it! Enjoy responsibly and check out the dosing calculator below to determine potency. Also, use the links below to find any of the products used in the recipe.

Video Transcript

Hey and welcome back to the Relief Treats channel. Today we’re going to show you how to make some infused capsules that are one of the most discreet ways to consume especially if you’re on the go or somewhere where other methods of consumption aren’t allowed.

Let’s go over the things we’ll be using today but first I want to give a huge thank you to all the people who support this channel… Everyone who’s subscribed and engaging with the content thank you so much we truly appreciate you because YOU are what helps keep this all going.  If you haven’t already go ahead and subscribe right now so we can continue delivering content like this directly to you on a regular basis.

Infused capsules are a pretty simple thing to make and you don’t need much to get started.  However, you’ll notice we employ a few additional optional items and steps during this process. I’ll be sure to mention what’s actually needed or required vs what’s optional and I’ll also leave links in the video description for all the products you see being used today so here we go.

So first thing we’ll be using today is some medicinal flower and a little bit of kief.  Obviously the quality you start with is going to have a great impact on what you end up with so keep that in mind.  This will be 21g of flower and about a gram of kief. We’re also going to use MCT oil.  This is a good oil to use because it’s high in fat and is thoroughly researched and documented to have more health benefits and more bio availability than some other oils.  This is MCT oil derived from coconuts which will be the best MCT option as opposed to palm oil or other varieties you may see. We’re also going to need some capsules; these are size 00 gelatin capsules but if you prefer to keep it vegan there are vegan friendly options out there. Then we’ll need a baking pan, aluminum foil, some mason jars, any kind of strainer or cheese cloth, a dropper and of course an oven. And that’s really all you HAVE to HAVE but you’ll see I’ve also picked up a few other things along the way that will make this process a little easier, less time consuming and in my opinion better quality.  Those include a capsule filling machine, an oven thermometer, sun flower lecithin and avocado oil.  More on those in a little bit.

Step 1, we’re going to go ahead and preheat the oven to 240 degrees. Most ovens fluctuate meaning they hover above and below the temperature you actually set so I’m going to set mine to actually 230 degrees and that should put me right in the sweet spot for most of this process.  It’s important to note that while consuming capsules is very discreet, making them isn’t and once we get things going in the oven there will be an odor, just something to keep in mind.

While that’s preheating, I’m going to break up my bud because smaller pieces will give me more surface area than bigger pieces and this is important for the decarboxylation process which basically activates our starting product here into a potent extractable. A larger wider pan is a better choice than a smaller taller pan because we want to space things out nicely and expose as much surface area as possible.

Now that we’re preheated it’s time to place the cooking pan in the oven. I’m placing the flower in the pan but the kief will be in a mason jar.  This is fine because it’s only a little bit of kief and it can still be spaced out evenly in this smaller container. It’s my preference to do it this way because it’s such a small amount and I don’t want to risk potentially losing any when transferring it from one container to the next.  We’re going to cover them both and decarb for 40 minutes making sure we don’t exceed 240 degrees.  And here’s where I’m going to use this oven thermometer as an optional step just to keep a closer eye on things.

While that’s going, I’m going to pour out 6 fl oz of MCT oil. In addition, I’m going to add 1 fl oz of avocado oil because MCT oil is mostly saturated fats and avocado oil is mostly unsaturated fats.  It’s my personal opinion that this gives a healthier end product and also that the difference in lipid profiles might give a synergistic effect with regards to each respective oils’ ability to extract cannabinoids throughout the production process.  Each will do better at different temperatures and each will perform differently in the body when consumed.  I’m also adding 1 tsp of powder sunflower lecithin for similar reasons, different lipid profiles and arguably more bioavailability but again this is just my opinion and the avocado oil and lecithin are 100% optional.  MCT oil alone will still produce a fantastic product.  And as side note I chose powder sunflower lecithin because in general it has a higher fat content than the liquid version and is a better option than soy or other sources. And I’m going to mix it all together now.

Alright 40 minutes are now up and now that everything is decarbed I’m going to carefully pull everything out and immediately lower the temperature in the oven to the lowest possible setting which for me is 175 degrees.  I’m also going to add all the flower to the mason jar with the kief and then pour in my oil mixture.  Close it up nice and tight and give it a good shake.

Now I’m going to wait for my baking pan to cool down and fill it with some warm water.  I don’t want to add cold water to hot glass or it might crack so I waited for it to cool down a bit before doing this, however using a new, cooler pan is also an option.  This water bath method is an optional way to help keep the temperature immediately surrounding the mason jar more consistent and stable.  It’s possible to proceed without it but it will result in less overall control of the temperature.

Next, I’m going to loosen the lid on my jar just a little making sure I leave room for gas exchanges because heat can cause the air inside the jar to expand. Then I add my closed mason jar to the water bath and place it back in the oven for about 1.5 hrs.  Again, this is at 175 because low and slow is the name of the game when working with cannabinoids.

Ok times up, I’m going to pull this out and technically it’s ready right now however as an optional step I’m going to let it sit in a cool dark place for an additional 24 hrs.  I choose to do this because it’s very well documented that lower and slower temperatures and times extract more cannabinoids and less chlorophyll.  We actually have another video that I’ll leave in the description where we ran an experiment that proved this.

Ok it’s been 24 hrs now, a completely optional waiting period, time to pull out the finished product and strain it. I’ll be using a cheese cloth overlapped many times on a metal strainer but anything can work here… micron screen, a stocking, a shirt… just make sure it’s clean and that you don’t want it any more after this.  If I skipped the additional 24 hr waiting period I would just need to make sure I leave enough time for the oil to cool before I put it in the capsules.  If it’s too hot it can melt the capsules as they’re being filled and that would be a huge waste and mess.

Now I just need to add the infused oil to the capsules. There are many ways to do this… You can do it by hand, in a bottle cap or you can get one of these cool little machines. Just make sure the machine size matches the capsule size that you got.  Either we start by removing all the lids which are the smaller pieces that fit over the actual capsule.  From here I’m going to start filling the capsules with a blunt tip syringe.  They can also be filled with a dropper, a soft syringe or pipette and it’s as simple as just filling them up to the top being careful not to overfill any.

Then just cover them with the caps, you should feel them kind of snap or pop into place once they’re securely on.  This machine just knocks them out all at once, pretty cool.  And then I like to let them sit on a paper towel or something just to catch any spills.  This will ensure that they store better.  They can be kept at room temp for a few weeks or frozen for extended periods.  Keep in mind freezing them may cause the oil inside to expand so fill them accordingly and maybe test 1 or 2 before you freeze the whole batch.

And that’s it, these are ready to be consumed.  There will be a link in the video description showing all the products that we used today and another link taking you to a calculator to help you determine the potency of these capsules. Thank you for watching, wishing everyone sweet relief 😊.

And if you’ve made it all the way to this point in the video, please hit that like and subscribe button. It would be super helpful and appreciated. Thank you!


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