Surely You’ve Heard of the Magical Butter Machine!?

magical butter machine

The Magical Butter Machine

For years the oven, stove, crockpot and coffeemaker have been used to make infused edibles. But the gold standard for all edibles equipment has been set in spectacular fashion by an American/Australian company.  Enter the Magical Butter Botanical Extractor.  As the name implies, this device extracts your herbs and botanicals magically.  Well ok, not magically but so simply you would think that it’s magic.  It takes all the guess work out of making your canna-infused treats at home such as:

  • How much of what to use
  • What temperature to use
  • How long to heat for
  • and all the other questions one may encounter when whipping up a batch of happiness

The concept is nothing short of genius, the design is smooth and sexy and the machine itself is pretty simple to use.  The machine automatically heats your butter and herb to the right temperature.  Mixing blades keep everything stirred and the machine turns itself off automatically.  You can also get it with additional accessories but before I start sounding to sales-y I’ll just let you know there are separate settings depending on what you’re making – butter, oil, tincture and even a clean setting.  If you decide to get one make sure it’s the proper model for your country.  Also if you’re looking for the perfect combo you can pair with a decarboxylator.  Just a little well deserved recognition for a good company with a great idea.  Enjoy your extracting!

And if you’re really into magical butter I highly recommend the following recipes:

Coconut Oil Kief Capsules

Kief Butter

Kief Tincture

Kief e-Juice

Heatless Bud Tincture – at the bottom of the page

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